Friday, February 15, 2013

Howdy Y'all!

"I can not believe that I am actually doing this..." These are the exact words that keep going through my head as I am writing this post. I have thought about doing this for some time. There are those days where I go to the blogs of other women that I follow ((who motivate me)) & think, "I wonder if I could motivate others."

I feel as if I am going through a mid-life crisis. ((and yes I am only in my early 20's)) But, I am totally in that stage where, I want everything that life can give me. I do blame this on just graduating from college. Who would have thought that the place that I thought at the time was a giant hell-hole would lead me to become such a motivated, goal orientated, big-girl! Yes, I said "big-girl". Why?! Because the word adult still scares the shit out of me.

The journey I have been battling ((& winning)) is this getting fit stuff. I am chubby, totally not afraid to admit it & I always will be a chubby girl at heart. Come on, don't act like if you came to the South you wouldn't put on a few extra pounds with all the yummy food we have to offer! But, this girl is tired of being a chubby-bunny.

So here is the plan: counting calories, eating low carb & low amounts of sugar, working my #big# ass out at the gym. You may wonder if it works?? Yes, it is! Would I rather be shopping then being at the gym, well hell-yeah! But, the feeling of working out all your aggression from the day out at the gym can't be found at the mall. Sorry ladies, but it is the truth!

My workout plan right now is doing this whole program that everyone you know who runs raves about: Couch to 5K. Hands down it is absolutely amazing. Yes, I am just like you and I've tried it different times, but guess what, this time I am sticking with it. I am that chubby girl you work out next to at the gym who sweats like a PIG & and as red in the face as your favorite shade of lipstick! So, don't judge! I'm trying!

I want y'all to keep me accountable. Bust my balls if I don't keep with my plan. Everyone who is in this journey needs as much accountability from whoever they can find as possible! Tell your friends about this new blog you found. I want to be motivated by whoever is out there and maybe I can help motivate y'all!!

Till Later Y'all



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